Art course ‘Traditional Japanese crafts and dyeing’

A workshop and lecture on dyeing with dyeing master Kozaburo Nishi.

AM: Cloth dyeing experience using ancient Japanese dyeing techniques
(The work is taken home by the participant. Can be used as a handkerchief or scarf.)

PM: Lectures (stories about dyeing techniques and Japanese culture, introduction of valuable Edo and Meiji era moulds, etc.)

Note: The image is a photograph of the work of dyeing master Mr.Nishi.

①Saturday, September 16, 2023 ②Saturday, September 23, 2023 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM.
Organized by
Institute of 21 Century Culture and Arts, Inc.
Artist profile
Kozaburo Nishi.
90 year old active dyeing master.From an early age, he learnt dyeing from his father, Shigezo Ogita, an Edo-style dyeing master.It will soon be 70 years since the company became independent in Kawaguchi City.He invented his own method of "kokechi" dyeing, and has passed on his unique sensibility and traditional dyeing techniques to the present day.
Target audience: ①9/16: Junior high school students and above(Adults are also allowed)、②9/23:18 years and over
Capacity: 20 participants
Participation fee: Junior high and high school students ¥2,000 ,Adults ¥3,000
※This event has ended.