What are the opening hours and closing days of the ATLIA?
Open 10:00-18:00 (Last entry to the museum until 17:30).
Our museum is closed on Mondays (or the following weekday if the Monday is a public holiday), the year-end and New Year holidays and during facility maintenance periods.
How long does it take to get from Kawaguchi Station to ATLIA?
It is about a 10minute walk from the east exit of Kawaguchi Station.
The easiest way to find the road is to go straight on Kawaguchi SL Aoba Street in the direction of Namiki-Motomachi Park (Art Park).
Are parking spaces available?
No, there is no parking. Please use public transport.
Are there places to eat and drink in the facilities?
Eating and drinking are strictly prohibited in the facilities.
Is this facilities wheelchair accessible?
All our facilities are barrier-free.
There is a ramp for easy entry for prams and wheelchairs.
Our facilities also have multipurpose rooms.
Are there nappy changing stations and nursing rooms available?
Please use the multi-purpose room for changing diapers.
If you need to breastfeed your baby, please let the reception.
I would like to use the Facilities Rentals, is it available to everyone?
Prices vary depending on the location and membership of the participating individuals and organisations.
For more information,'rental facilities '
Note: Inquiries and reservations are taken only in Japanese.